
Allow customers to simply order products, make reservations and pay online, while increasing revenue.

Web stores that sell and grow

Our approach and methods of web commerce design aim to maximize the efficiency of e-commerce solutions and increase customer engagement

The user’s purchase decision depends on a number of factors. We recognize them and incorporate them into a solution, thus increasing the conversion rate and the efficiency of the web store.

Basic web shop features

Along with the standard web site design features, the internet store has its own specific elements

  • Dynamic shopping cart

    A virtual shopping cart that is dynamically filled out as buyer adds new products

  • Categorization and filtering of products

    Products organized in categories with the ability to filter according to certain parameters such as price, color, size, etc.

  • Product Details

    The product pages contain customized details such as descriptions, images, galleries, specifications, videos.

  • Related or Similar Products

    While the buyer is on the product page, similar products or products are in some way suggested

  • Delivery options and payments

    The ability to choose between multiple payment and delivery modes provides the customer with flexibility and security

  • Featured Products

    Introducing Separated Products on Other Web Site Retailers in the form of discounts, special offers, popular products, and the like

How do we increase customer engagement?

Whether it’s a web shop, booking a boat or renting a boat, we ensure that your ecommerce solution contains the following important elements:

  • Recognition of your brand

    In order for the buyer to get the impression of a safe place to buy, it is important to be consistent with the graphic and communication guidelines of your site.

  • Clearly set goals on each page

    Visitors to your site just do not reach the front page, so each page should contain elements that the customer will point to the next step and cite the action.

  • Powerful, noticeable calls to action

    Call-to-action actions such as “Order Now!”, “Contact Us”, “Make Payment” must be clearly visible and consistent on each page where there is a key action

  • A neat architecture of information

    The goal is to make an understandable information layout and to allow easy access to the user on the page so that user experience is smooth and without hesitation.

  • Ease of buying process

    As soon as a customer chooses to purchase or reserve the process of ordering, paying, shipping, and other purchasing steps, it should be easy. We must not discourage a customer from complicated or unclear order processing.

  • Control over site’s content

    Information such as product descriptions, pricing, availability, and the like must always be up to date and credible. That is why the site administrator at any time should have complete control over editing such content.